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About Devinwood Collies

Devinwood Collies, Collie Breeders in Connecticut CT, is located in the lovely New England town of Ridgefield, Connecticut. Devinwood Collies is the home of quality Collies who can compete in the Show Ring, work as therapy and performance dogs, or live as great family pets and loving companions. We are the breeders of Platinum GCH Devinwood A Perfect Stranger the #1 Collie in America for 2013 and 2014, owners of Ch. Twin Oaks High Plains Drifter a Register of Merit Sire, and a family of champion dogs. Our family of dogs is predominately based on a foundation of quality individuals from the Twin Oaks line. At Devinwood, each Collie puppy breeding is carefully planned from top bloodlines. Use of quality stud dogs help ensure correct Collie type, sound structure and movement, elegance, and wonderful temperaments in their puppies. We are an AKC Breeder Of Merit.

Collie As Family Dog
Read "The Life Journey To Collie
Ownership" on the Collie Club of
America website and learn everything
you need to know about Collies!

From the moment of birth, our Collie puppies are given the best of care and socialization, including proper nutrition, vaccinations, health and eye checks. Our philosophy is quite simple: As Collie breeders, we have chosen to bring these beautiful and wonderful dogs into the world and therefore have a responsibility to make sure that they are placed in great homes with families that will love and care for them throughout their life.

For further information, please e-mail us. We are located in Fairfield County, Connecticut.

I was honored to be asked by the Collie Club of America CCA Outreach to share our story on the influences of the people and events that helped form our vision of Devinwood Collies.

Our affiliations and positions held are:

Members of:
Collie Club of America
Collie Club of Connecticut
Tri-County Collie Breeders' Association Inc.
Collie Club of Northern New Jersey
Collie Health Foundation

District Director for

Connecticut, Collie Club of America

AKC Licensed Judge

Former Chair,
Breeders Education Committee
Collie Club of America

Supporters of
New England Collie Rescue League

Thanks for visiting us!



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